

    苓雅區6月份牆面彩繪藝術創作訊息更新 列印
      資料更新時間:107-07-10 11:42


    Muro is a Spanish word used for “wall” and never was a more accurate name for a muralist and illustrator who spend most of his time painting walls with an immaculate style, sometimes covering whole buildings facades.
    Iker Muro started as every kid drawing in his notebook during class but soon moved to different disciplines including graffiti, graphic design, acrylic painting, prints, and many more. Today he has a notorious international presence with artworks displayed in buildings around London, Los Angeles, Miami and Vancouver to name a few.

    Iker Muro跟每個孩子一樣,一開始都是畫畫在課堂上的筆記本,但他很快地就轉移到不同的領域:包括塗鴉、平面設計、壓克力彩繪、版畫等。

    WERC Alvarez breaks down the boundaries between art, style, & nature; Considered one of the Top 10 most talented Street Artists living/working in NYC, WERC is a public artist who paints murals throughout the globe bridging the worlds of the ethereal & the earthly thru his masterful manipulation of color.

    WERC’s work brings wonder into the urban environment with a free-flowing aesthetic, inspired by the dream like nature of surrealism & grounded in geometry.
    His studio-based works have been exhibited in numerous galleries & museums, such as Musée de Aquitaine, MCASD, CAMLA, MOM, and are part of the Getty’s special collections, the Smithsonian American Art Archives & the Cheech Marin Chicano Art Collection. Client list includes Toyota, Sony Pictures, Google Play, Pantone, Bulgari, the San Diego International Airport amongst many others.

    WERC Alvarez打破了藝術、風格、大自然間的界限;WERC被認為是在紐約居住/工作的十大最具才華街頭藝術家之一,他是一位國際的壁畫家,透過他精湛地運用色彩,將空靈世界和塵世間的世界連接起來。
    受到了像虛幻一般的超現實主義啟發、以及以幾何為基礎,WERC的作品為城市帶來了美學的驚奇。他的作品在世界各地的博物館跟藝廊展出,像是阿基坦博物館、聖地牙哥當代美術館、美國藝術檔案館等...;美國石油鉅富 讓・保羅・蓋蒂、及美國演員 切奇・馬林也都特別蒐藏其作品。客戶名單包括了豐田(Toyota)、索尼影業(Sony Pictures)、Google Play、彩通(Pantone)、寶格麗(Bulgari)及聖地亞哥國際機場等。

    Nelson Cekis’s career as a visual artist began in the city streets of his native Santiago, Chile. He started painting murals while in high school, and was inspired by the New York graffiti culture and the social mural propaganda from the heavily marked political stage in Chile in 1980’s. After graduating of High School he then decided to become an active graffiti artist. Over time, his work embodied a young generation of artists. His work transcended communities, helping to create a new massive appeal for a new street culture in Chile.

    In 2004, Nelson moved to New York, seeking to grow more comprehensively as a creator and adult. Due to the lack of access to paint public walls in New York, his work started to move slowly into the studio and it has broadened into an experimental and investigative collection, developing his own way to paint. His unique perspective as a foreigner only adds more intrigue.
    Nelson has participated in numerous exhibitions and mural projects locally and across the United States as well as internationally.

    Nelson Cekis的視覺藝術家職業生涯開始於智利聖地亞哥的城市街道。受到紐約塗鴉文化和80年代智利政治舞台上的社會壁畫宣傳之啟發,他在高中時期開始彩繪壁畫。高中畢業後,他決定成為一名活躍的塗鴉藝術家。隨著時間的推移,他的作品體現了年輕一代的藝術家。他的作品超越了社區,為智利的新世代街頭文化創造了巨大的吸引力。
    2004年, 作為一位創作者及一位成年人,Nelson為了尋求更廣泛及多樣化的成長而搬到紐約。由於無法入門紐約公共牆面的彩繪,他的作品開始慢慢移至工作室內,並且已經擴展為試驗性和研究性的收藏,也開啟了他自己的繪彩繪方式。作為外國人,他獨特的透視畫法只讓他增添更多的吸引力。Nelson參與了許多不管是美國當地、甚至是全球性的展覽和壁畫項目。

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      1. muro壁畫
      2. werc壁畫
      3. cekis壁畫
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