

    苓雅區5月份牆面彩繪藝術創作訊息更新 列印
      資料更新時間:107-06-04 12:02


    --Arlin Graff衛武里澄清路 51號

    北美紅雀 Cardinal, a North American bird, the male of which has bright red feathers(見於北美,雄鳥有鮮紅色的羽毛)

    Arlin is Brazilian, based in Detroit and São Paulo. At the end of 1999, Arlin began with graffiti. In 2007, he graduated with a degree in industrial design. A year later, when he moved to São Paulo, he combined this passion for art with design, while he worked as an art director in various advertising agencies.

    Quickly, he created a very distinct style, giving life to his abstract creations that seem to be emerging from a digital work.
    Animals are Arlin’s principal theme, creating a species of synthetic nature fragmented by the influence of the modern technological world.
    Today, his elaborate paintings are executed in large scale around the world, bringing a little more of color to city walls.

    身為巴西人的Arlin, 常駐身於底特律以及聖保羅。1999年底,Arlin開啟了他的塗鴉之路。2007年Arlin拿到了工業設計的學位,並於一年後搬去聖保羅生活。在廣告公司擔任藝術總監的他,將他對藝術的熱情與設計結合。



    《See you at the top of the sky》
    Dear my friend, No matter where’ve you been and what've you done. We both know we're on the path to freedom. Until then, We'll meet at the top of the sky.

    何彥霖(Leo Ho),來自台南,現就讀台北實踐大學工業設計系,熱愛繪畫,喜歡以柔和的色彩來描繪動物,希望讓看作品的人能夠感到溫暖。



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